Brace 4 Impact!

sirens blare“We are watching the biggest panic in global financial markets that has occurred in my 65 years of life and 50 years of stock, bond and commodities investing.”

These sobering words come from one of our heroes, Monty Guild, in a bulletin he just released.

Look at what’s happening:

  1. The Fed has taken the extraordinary step of dropping interest rates on a weekend.
  2. The Fed also announced a new “lending facility:” a way to get $ to Wall Street banks without making it look too much like an emergency bail-out. It amounts to exchanging newly-printed dollars for toxic derivatives.
  3. The IMF (the central banker’s bank) tells the US to “plan for the worse” and “urged policymakers to “think the unthinkable” and prepare now.”
  4. Bear Stearns dies, inciting panic among traders.
  5. International press warns “Wall Street fears for next Great Depression” saying “the world is now close to a 1930s-like Great Depression, while New York traders said they had never experienced such fear.”
  6. The dollar (USDX) is at historic lows. It’s dropping. Fast. Watch for panic when it hits the 60s. It’s already dropped from 76 to 71.91 in the last month.

A Goldman Sachs trader in New York said: “Everyone is in a total state of shock, aghast at what is happening. No one wants to talk, let alone deal; we’re just standing by waiting. Everyone is nervous about what is going to emerge when trading starts tomorrow.”

 I say: 

Sure, it’s still possible for the Fed to reach in its bag of tricks and pull a brief market rally out of the hat. But last week the Fed’s $200 billion rabbit was only good for a one-day rally.

How much is $200 billion? Well, Bush authorized $10 billion in emergency relief for all states affected by hurricane Katrina. It took 20 times that to prop up the markets by 400 points. For 1 day. Ouch!

You must take action now.
 Protect Yourself
Get out of the stock market (unless it’s inverse funds).
Don’t rely on being able to trade online when the market’s in turmoil–have an alternate plan or DON’T DAY-TRADE.
Can you trust your discount broker? Remember E*Trade suddenly went under last Nov.
Get physical gold, get physical silver.
Get agricultural commodities (sugar, coffee, wheat, corn, beans) if you can find a broker you can trust.

◊◊◊◊ Now: Gold @ $1027.25, Silver @ $21.21, USDX @ 70.91 ◊◊◊◊

…They Will Kill Us All

Warren warned us five years ago. The idiots and their OTC derivatives will kill us all.

Financial Weapons of Mass DestructionThey just killed Bear Stearns. (The Fed/Chase had to suddenly bail out the 85 year-old investment bank and, more importantly, primary dealer in US Gov’t bonds.) JPMorgan Chase helps the Fed delay (not avoid, mind you) the financial meltdown by keeping the first domino standing. And, Chase picks up BS for 2.5 cents on the dollar.

Yes, the Fed was so desperate to keep the first domino from falling they engineered a giveaway: a month ago BS was trading at $80/share. Chase buys it for $2/share. 97% less! Fire sale! And get this: JPMorgan Chase has gambled more on derivatives than any other bank! OMG they’re into it for $91.7 trillion. Yes, TRILLION:


This is 8 times the entire US GDP! And these are the guys bailing out BS?!? This is insanity!

sirens blareFolks, the banks (at least the big ones) will be kept afloat as long as possible. The cost will be massive inflation. The gov’t will lie about the CPI, but stalwarts like John Williams of will report the truth. The money supply is increasing at a double-digit rate. Inflation will soon follow.

  1. If you have money in passbook savings, CDs, bonds, etc you will lose money to inflation faster than you can make it up in interest.
  2. If your investments aren’t pulling double-digit gains you will be poorer by the end of the year.
  3. If you’re retired and counting on social security COLAs you will get squeezed and have to do with less.

No, it’s not fair.

You must take action now.
 Protect Yourself
Please please please protect yourself:
Have a lot of money tied up in your bank? Get at it while you can. Get physical gold, get physical silver. Get agricultural commodities (sugar, coffee, wheat, corn, beans) if you can find a broker you can trust.

◊◊◊◊ Now: Gold @ $1025.10, Silver @ $21.15, USDX @ 70.94 ◊◊◊◊