Poll: Big Oil’s Influence

Pastor Lindsey Williams has some interesting predictions about Big Oil and their plan to take over the world, starting with the US.


Sounds that way until you realize the same inside sources  he relies on predicted oil would fall from $150 to $50. Oil Insider Warns of Economic Calamity

So, do YOU think Big Oil has been involved in other dirty deals in the last century?

For your consideration:
Who killed the electric car (YouTube)
Oil and Gas Production Induced Earthquake References
Government admits oil is the reason for war in Iraq (YouTube)

“The Iraq War is largely about OIL.” – Alan Greenspan (YouTube)
Free Energy suppressed (YouTube)
The End of Suburbia (YouTube)

Bill Moyers on Big Oil (YouTube)
Big Oil Sued Over Coastline  Flooding (YouTube)

Poll: Obama’s 1st Crisis?

During last year’s presidential campaign a few prominent political figures warned that Obama would face serious tests in his first six months as president. Oddly enough, two of these warnings were issued on the same day, Oct. 19, 2008.

General & Former Sec of State Colin Powell:
“There’s going to be a crisis come along in the 21st or 22nd of January that we don’t even know about right now.” [MSNBC]

Vice President Joe Biden:
“Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. Watch. We’re going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”

“I promise you it will occur. I guarantee it’s going to happen.”

“And he’s going to need help . . . to stand with him. Because it’s not going to be apparent initially; it’s not going to be apparent that we’re right.” [NY Post] or [YouTube]

First Lady Michelle Obama:
Jan 9, 2009. “We are about to face some major challenges, and it’s gonna be up to all of us to renew American together.”[YouTube, @1:23 into video]


Possibility of a CME (coronal mass ejection)
Our Sun has just blasted the Earth’s protective magnetic field with a dose of solar magnetism that has burned a hole four times wider than our planet. With our protective “shields” down, the solar plasma (energetic charged particles from the sun) have invaded Earth’s magnetosphere.

If we have really bad luck, a Coronal Mass Ejection (billion(s) of tons of solar material hurling at 1 million MPH+) could then sideswipe Earth, triggering power outages, huge auroral displays and disrupting communications (radio and satellite).

Hyperinflation: What It Looks Like
This poor guy’s going to do the week’s shopping at the supermarket. All that cash is worth less than $100 USD. A few months later inflation has driven up the price of this dinner for one to a shade over 1.2 billion Zimbabwe dollars. Before tip!

Want a new T shirt? Too bad you waited a few weeks…it’ll cost you 3 billion Zimbabwe dollars after tax!

Obama Answers Gun Confiscation Question
“If you’ve got a gun in your house, I’m not taking it,” Obama said. But the Illinois senator could still see skeptics in the crowd, particularly on the faces of several men at the back of the room.

So he tried again. “Even if I want to take them away, I don’t have the votes in Congress,” he said.

Magnetic pole reversal
Scientists believe the Earth’s magnetic poles may be about to reverse themselves – an event that would undoubtedly plunge the world into turmoil, some say complete catastrophe. All electrically operated equipment would find it difficult to function. Vast storms would bring spectacular if highly terrifying displays of thunder and lightning. Seismic and volcanic activity would also increase quite dramatically.

One of the greatest fears however is that during a polar reversal the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field would fall to such an extent that it would allow harmful solar rays to penetrate to the surface.  This would have a profound effect on all living matter. While the Earth’s atmosphere might shield out some of this harmful radiation, the consequences of a diminished magnetic field are very grave indeed. Unprotected from the suns radiation crops would fail, animals would die, and humans fall prone to deadly cancers.

Sun’s rays to roast Earth as poles flip
Earth’s magnetic field – the force that protects us from deadly radiation bursts from outer space – is weakening dramatically. Scientists have discovered that its strength has dropped precipitously over the past two centuries and could disappear over the next 1,000 years.

The effects could be catastrophic. Powerful radiation bursts, which normally never touch the atmosphere, would heat up its upper layers, triggering climatic disruption. Navigation and communication satellites, Earth’s eyes and ears, would be destroyed

False-flag alien attack
Before he died in 1977 Werner Von Braun, an ex-Nazi who played an instrumental role in the NASA space program, told his spokesperson, Dr. Carol Rosin, that a false flag alien attack is a distinct possibility.
In fact Von Braun said that the first threat would be communism, than terrorism, then giant killer asteroids and finally space aliens. The only thing is that all of these threats would be lies and used as an excuse to consolidate power and militarize space.

Poll: What Are You Invested In?

If you’re reading this, chances are you don’t have much of your available financial resources invested in the stock market. What “hard assets” are you invested in right now?


Results of past polls.

Poll: When Will Markets Hit Bottom?

martin-feldsteinMany expect an “Inauguration Bounce” in the markets that may last 8 weeks or so. But this guy, who might be in a position to know, says we likely won’t have a true bottom in the markets this year.

The current U.S. downturn could easily drag on for the rest of this year, renowned economist Martin Feldstein said on Sunday.

“The current downturn is likely to last much longer than previous downturns.… We will be lucky to see the recession end in 2009,” Feldstein, former president of the National Bureau of Economic Research, said at the American Economics Association annual meeting in San Francisco. [link]

Who is Martin Feldstein? He’s Harvard Economist and President Emeritus of the “National Bureau of Economic Research”–the group that “officially” declares when we enter and leave a recession.

I say the markets won’t be back until MUCH later (adjusted for the coming hyper-inflation) Quit DOW Now! Come Back On Jan 6, 2025.

I mention his thoughts because of his influential position. He’s also cozy with the Rockefeller-founded Council on Foreign Relations–so you’ve got to ask “what’s his agenda?” In the article above he advocates increased spending for the military & FBI.


This poll is closed.

Vote: I H8 Yer Site Cuz the Color Sux

“Jim” sez this in the comments:

“Why the hell do some people think that a black background is so damn sexy when it is so hard to read? I cannot even read the box labels above and whatever might be interesting on this mistive is not worth the effort.”

living-rm-smI think visiting a person’s blog is a bit like visiting their house: I’ve invited you into my place and this is how you talk? My momma would ask ’bout your childhood spent in a barn.

Here’s my living room: what do you think of the paint color my wife chose?  Any comments on the furniture? How ’bout the Christmas decorations?

OK, ’nuff fun for now. “Jim” does have a legitimate point: it can be a pain-in-the-butt to read this site. Tell me what YOU think…


Update Dec 15, 2008: It looked as if enough people were having difficulty with the black theme I changed it to a more conventional one last night.