Will the COMEX Manipulation Ever End?

Jim SinclairThe headline above echoes a popular question asked by all who suddenly realize gold and silver prices have been manipulated on the COMEX. No less an authority than Jim Sinclair (of JSMineset.com) answered this query Monday, June 8, 2009:

You always offer me, among the many other lamentations in your communication, the fear that gold and the dollar will always be manipulated to withhold true pricing.

My answer is manipulation only works in the direction anything wants to go in the first place, which gold and the dollar have so far proven correct. Step back and from the day to day ticks and look at the big picture.

The problems out there are so big that no central bank, treasury or group of Banksters anywhere on the planet can afford to handle them. Right now if it were not for the charisma of the new Administration things would have unwound completely.

In time, the problems of today’s financial world to which there is no practical solution will overwhelm the manipulation by simple size of money motivated into the gold market and the number of newly created dollars for sale.

The size of the dollar pool is infinite, and the amount of gold is finite. That is the equation which will make Alf right in his take on the price. It only takes a failure of confidence to motivate the equation. This is why I have been trying to give you clear direction free of the fog of emotion and spin in order to protect you.

At every turn the media, government and Banksters have been trying to get you to dump your protection.

Stay the course. Gold is going to save more than your financial position.

Jim Sinclair

Editor’s note: Alf’s numbers are predicting $3,000 to $4,000 per ounce for gold during this next leg up.

Jim has said this move will begin in just a few days, around June 15, 2009.

I say, “Where gold goes, silver will follow at a ratio between 1:16 to 1:75. Silver is the poor man’s gold.”

$3,500 gold implies silver at $47 (1:75) to $219 (1:16).

Governator Squeezes Trigger for Crime-n-Riots

Scott's Soapbox

I admit I’ve been quiet for quite a while here, waiting for that thunk of the other shoe. Plus, the road ahead isn’t just filled with potholes, to me it’s looking downright cratered.


governator_poster_70x82Seriously B-A-D. I am more worried now than I was last August, before everything tanked. And, it’s cost me a lot of my admittedly-diminished piece-of-mind. I’ve been nearly paralyzed with foreboding these last six weeks, andI haven’t been able to bring myself to spend much time on this site blogging the imminent (further) collapse.

And California, the world’s 7th largest economy, could be the first car in the jerking roller-coaster ride to the bottom. He warned they have until June 15 to make draconian cuts or face insolvency by the end of July. [link]

What Will Trigger The Coming Riots
20090527_CA_cuts_150x210What do you think will happen in Califonia when the Governator cuts off welfare as promised? [link] Do you think crime will go up or down as a result?

And what message is being sentto the judicial system for California’s 36,756,666 residents when Arnold is releasing prisoners EARLY cuz the state can’t afford the incarceration expense? [link]

Is it crazy to foresee an explosion in crime, some of it violent, that escalates once the disenfranchised realize they “ain’t gonna do time” over petty crime? And, is it really that much of a stretch to envision the crime turning ever more violent as the masses realize the cops can’t stop it?

We are months (not even a year) away from big-city riots in this country.

Gun Confiscation Won’t Make It Safer
The ripples of GM’s bankruptcy and California’s crash will be felt from shore to shore. It’s going to be hard to hide from it. If you currently live in (or within a day’s walk for a hungry male) a large population-concentration things will get “I-wish-I-bought-that-20-gauge-shotgun” ugly for you if you stay one day past the tipping point.

I’m not the only one thinking like this: legislators in the Great State of Tennessee just enacted a law PREVENTING gun confiscation in the event of martial law [link]. Yes, that’s supposed to be a constitutional right but Tennessee doesn’t trust the Feds after what they did during Katrina.

Care to jog your memory a bit?
-ABC News vid showing the gun confiscation by troops.
-Watch the CNN video of a 61-year-old lady tackled by cops in her home while taking her gun.

Is There A Chance I Could Be Right?
Hmmm… check my track record on big-picture stuff. Looks like I notch another win with the bankruptcy of GM and selling of bankrupt Chrysler to “Fix It Again, Tony.” (Worst car I ever had was a 1969 Fiat850 Spyder. 2ndworse car was a Plymouth Fury III land yacht. Shoulda been a crime to sell dogs like these to struggling teens.) [My Predictions from Feb 2008]

Protect Yourself.
Protect your family. If you live in a larger city move (I did in 2004, but I always seem to be too early  to the party). This is often impractical so at least phone up a friend/relative living in an area with a lower population density and “joke” about coming to visit if TSHTF. Seriously. Ask him what you can bring that would make him happy to see you. 

Get other ideas from Checking Off My “To Do” List. Also look at Warnings & Advice from a Saint, Part 3 for 6 things you can do starting today.


U hav no idea how bad its gonna git

Web Bot Forecast for Fall 2009

From George Ure and the Web Bot guys: some predictions followed by my thoughts on his accuracy.

His Prediction:

October 26+/- – Another Web Bot Hit Shapes Up

Oh-oh.  Here we go again.  Calendar watch time. I  can’t remember how long ago I told you to put a circle on October 26th (plus or minus a week or so) but that was when Iran would be attacked but oh, my frigging goodness, have you see the “Report: U.S., Allies Put October Deadline on Progress from Iran”


This is all starting to become almost ‘other-worldly’ too clear to me:  Markets will come down over the next couple of weeks to the high seven thousands on the Dow, we get one more pop up to the 9,600 level.  The ‘troubles’ socially come to visit France and then the U.K.  And then here in the U.S.


Then we get the bombing of Iran by Israel in late October, about which time, the U.S. government will be contemplating use of its ‘continuity of government’ plans due to social unrest brought about by (what else?) economic collapse.  And that in turn sets a 4-week temporal ‘timer’ that brings us to the part where South Korea receives a nuke or two from the North.  And then things get bad.

Now, whether this all works out precisely doesn’t really matter because the meme – thought virus if you will – is out and about.  And that in itself is curious to know about in advance.


Oh, and it means Elaine and I already have our NIOSH P100 full-face masks.  The dust going global by early November threatens to cross from the conceptual to the physical layer of life.  Like we need it. 

His Track Record:

Has George (and the Web Bot guys) been on target with his past predictions?

Last summer they were forecasting a major economic collapse centered around Oct 7, 2008, preceded by 11 days of tension starting Sept 27. Looking back now it looks like they were right on.
Oct 6, 2008: Fear Index Highest Ever
Oct 7, 2008: Iceland Warns of Bankruptcy
Oct 7, 2008: Russia & Brazil Suspend Trading Amid Crash
Oct 8, 2007: Bank of America on Fire
Oct 9, 2008: DJIA Down 40% From 1 Yr Ago
Oct 10, 2008: Fear Index on a Tear
Oct 12, 2008: Ron Paul on Pending Dollar Death

Sept 10, 2008: The Web Bots foresee consumer society collapsing by mid November 2008. Looks like it’s happening with the huge plunge in consumer spending and confidence: [link: Nov 26: Consumer Confidence Hits 28-year Low]

America By 2012: 10 Dire Predictions

If this doesn’t make you think–make you want to prepare–I don’t know what will. From “Big Jake” on SeekingAlpha, “The Worst Case Scenario (Someone Has to Say It)” [edited for length]

Since the economy began sliding downhill in late 2007, mainstream economic and market experts have consistently erred on the sunny side.

As late as June 2008, mainstream consensus held that the U.S. was heading for a “soft landing” and would avoid recession.

Several months later, the slump was acknowledged to have started in January 2008, but we were supposed to see renewed growth by mid-2009, with unemployment peaking in the eight-to-nine percent range. A quick “shovel-ready” stimulus bag was supposed to set us back on the road to prosperity.

In January, recovery projections were pushed forward to late 2009. Today, the consensus is for a mid-2010 recovery, with unemployment peaking at just over 10 percent. Clearly, the mainstream has struggled to catch up to reality for well over one year. What are the chances that they finally have it right this time?

In the interests of providing you with an alternate vision—something outside the mainstream—below are ten predictions for America through the year 2012. This is not boilerplate doom-saying. Rather, I am laying out in highly specific terms what will happen over the next three-odd years. Others have thrown around the term “Depression”, but I am going to tell you precisely what it means for you, your investments, and your community.

economy shipwreck_140x103Prediction one.
The twenty-five-year equities bubble pops in 2009: the S&P 500 will sink below 500. In a bid to stem the panic, the government will enforce periodic “stock market holidays”, and will vastly expand the scope of its short-selling prohibitions—eventually banning short-selling altogether.

Prediction two.
401K was a pot of gold_140x112With public pension systems and tens of millions of 401k holders virtually wiped out—and with the Baby Boomers retiring en masse—there will be tremendous pressure on the government to get into the stock market in order to bid up prices.

Therefore, sometime in 2010, the Federal Reserve will create and loan out hundreds of billions of fresh dollars to the usual well-connected suspects, instructing them to buy up stocks on the public’s behalf. This scheme will have a fancy but meaningless name—something like the “Taxpayer Assurance Equities Facility”. It will have no effect other than to serve as buyer of last resort for capitulating smart-money types who want to get out of stocks entirely.

eviction notice_140x108Prediction three.
Millions of new retirees—including white-collar people with high expectations for a Golden Retirement—will be left virtually penniless. Thousands will starve or freeze to death in their own homes. Hundreds of thousands will find themselves evicted and homeless, or will have to move in with their less-than-enthusiastic children. Already strained by the rising tide of the working-age unemployed, state and local welfare services will be overwhelmed, and by 2012 will have largely collapsed and ceased to function in many parts of the country.

PDollar Reaches for HELP_140x172rediction four.
“Quantitative easing” will fail to restart previous patterns of lending and consumption. As the government sends out additional “rebate” checks and takes ever-more drastic measures to force banks to lend, hyperinflation could take hold. However, comprehensive debt relief via a devaluation of the dollar is even more likely. This would entail the government issuing one “new” dollar for some greater number of “old” dollars—thus reducing both debts and savings simultaneously.

Prediction five.
The government will stop pretending that it can finance continuous multi-trillion-dollar deficits on the private market. By late 2010, the sole buyers of new U.S. Treasury and agency bonds will be the Federal Reserve and a few derelict financial institutions under government control. This may or may not lead to hyperinflation. (See prediction four).

will code HTML for food_140x141Prediction six.
The government’s narrow unemployment figure (U3) will rise into the high teens by late 2010. The government’s broader unemployment figure (U6) will cease to be reported when it reaches 25 percent—it will simply be too embarrassing. Ultimately, one in three work-eligible Americans will be unemployed, underemployed, or never-employed (e.g. college grads permanently unable to find suitable work).

corruption_140x138Prediction seven.
With their pension dreams squashed, and their salaries frozen or cut, police and other local government workers will turn to wholesale corruption in order to survive. America’s ideal of honest, courteous, and impartial cops, teachers, and small-time local functionaries will have come to an end.

Prediction eight.
Commercial overcapacity will strike with a vengeance. By 2012, thousands of enclosed malls, strip malls, unfinished residential developments, motels, truck stops, distribution centers, middle-of-nowhere resorts and casinos, and small-city airports across America will turn into dilapidated, unwanted, and dangerous ghost towns. With no economic incentive for their maintenance or repair, they will crumble into overgrown, plywood-and-sheet-rock ruins.

trapped by mortgage_140x103Prediction nine.
By the end of 2010, tens of millions of households will have fallen behind on their mortgages or stopped paying altogether. Many banks will be unable to process the massive volume of foreclosure paperwork, much less actually seize and resell the homes.

Devaluation (as mentioned in prediction four) could ease the situation for those mortgage holders still afloat, but it would also eliminate any incentive for most banks to stay in the mortgage business. In any case, the housing market in many parts of the country will lock up completely—nothing bought or sold.

With virtually no loans being made, even the government will finally acknowledge that most banks are fundamentally insolvent. A general bank run will only be averted through a roughly one trillion-dollar recapitalization of the FDIC, courtesy of new money from the Federal Reserve.

Prediction ten.
As an economy is never independent of the society within which it functions, the next few paragraphs will focus on social and political factors. These factors will have as much of an impact on market and consumer confidence as any developments in the financial sector.

1992_LA Riots_140x126Whether rightly or not, President Obama, having come to power at the dawn of this crisis, will be blamed for it by over 50 percent of the population. He will be a one-term president. In response to his perceived socialization of America, there will be a swarm of secessionist and extremist activity, much of it violent. Militias and armed sects will be more prominent than in the early 1990s. Stand-off dramas, violent score-settlings, and going-out-with-a-bang attacks by laid-off workers and bankrupted investors—already a national plague—will become an everyday occurrence.

For both economic and social reasons, millions of immigrants and guest workers will return to their home countries, taking their assets and skills with them. The flow of skilled immigrants will slow to a trickle. Birth rates will plummet as families struggle with uncertainty and reduced (or no) income.

Property crime will explode as citizens bitter over their own shattered dreams attempt to comfort themselves by taking what is not theirs. Mutinies and desertions will proliferate in an increasingly demoralized, over-stretched military, especially when states can no longer provide the educational and other benefits promised to their National Guard troops.

IRS shakedown_140x212There will be widespread tax collection issues, and a huge backlash against Federal and state bureaucrats who demand three-percent annual pay raises while private sector wages remain frozen or worse. In short, the “Tea Parties” of tomorrow will likely not be so restrained.

Finally, between now and 2012, we are likely to see another earth-shaking national embarrassment on the scale of the 9/11 attacks or Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. This will demonstrate conclusively to all Americans that their government, even under a savior-figure like Obama, cannot, in fact, save them.

By 2012, there will be a general feeling that the nation is in immediate danger of blowing up or coming apart at the seams. This fear will be justified, given that the U.S. has always been held together by the promise of a continuously rising material standard of living—the famous “pursuit of happiness”—rather than any ethnic or religious ties. If that goes, so could everything else. We were lucky in the 1930s—we may not be so lucky again.

Maybury Issues Inflation Alert

Richard MayburyRichard Maybury describes himself as “The 2,500-year old man,” referring to his deep study of history (economic & otherwise) and how it repeats today.

Back in December Mr. Maybury warned the current deflationary environment would soon flip into a strongly inflationary one [Deflation Xforming to Inflation Soon]. At that time he said, “In any case, when I think the bottom has happened, I will let my subscribers know on the Subscriber Access part of our web site. No guarantees, but I’ll do my best to get it right.”

Yesterday he issued the alert. [Read full text here.]

He says, The bottom of the deflationary stage of this crisis has arrived. However, it is not an unqualified call to buy every non-dollar asset you can get your hands on.

“As you know, US officials plan to force taxpayers who pay their debts to subsidize those who don’t. This is diverting flows of money, creating larger profits in some areas and larger risks in others. There are colossal opportunities now, but also traps.

“I believe it is highly likely the world is entering the worst economic crisis since the fall of the Roman Empire. Never before in 2,500 years of economic history have people gone through this kind of situation with a world reserve currency that was fiat paper, not gold. We’re trying to ride out an 8.0 earthquake in a house built on sand.”

Subscriber Only Details
As the details are only for subscribers of Mr. Maybury’s excellent Early Warning Report I’ll only summarize it here. Five specific events in March persuaded him to call the bottom. 

1) March 23, 2009. China’s central bank governor said the US dollar should be replaced as the world reserve currency. That was the most powerful attack yet on the dollar’s credibility. (China is the largest holder of US dollar assets.)

As foreign holders begin to question the dollar’s viability they will try to dump their greenbacks. Lots of things inside the US are at fire sale prices, so, as these foreign greenbacks are shaken loose, money will flow into the US to buy those bargains. This will increase the money supply in the US, adding to the Federal Reserve’s own inflation of the money supply.

2) Increased fear of the dollar will also contribute to a rise in velocity, both inside and outside the country.

3) March 20th, 2009. At the Independent Community Bankers meeting a Bernanke squeeze doll was handed out, and Bernanke was the target of ridicule. The only thing backing the fiat paper dollar is the credibility of the US central bank. When foreigners see the Fed’s own banking community jeering the Fed honcho, the loss of confidence in the dollar will worsen and contribute to a rise in velocity.

4) March 18th, 2009. The Fed announced it will purchase billions of dollars of mortgages and government bonds. This will inject more new dollars into the financial system, and direct hundreds of billions of them into real estate. The real estate bubble will be re-inflated. [See Dollar Death in May?]

5) Orders for big-ticket durable goods, new homes and existing homes have risen recently. This shows that money is on the move and flowing back into some of the largest sectors of the economy.”

Mr. Maybury thinks for several months we will experience more of a U-shaped bottom than a V-shaped bottom.

For a while, a lot of money may leave the more liquid financial investments such as stocks, bonds and CDs, and flow into real estate. The beginnings of the new real estate bubble could be accompanied by a further deflation of stocks, bonds and perhaps even commodities.

In short, the re-inflation of the housing bubble could be so intense that it will suck money out of the financial markets.

Mr. Maybury expects the first incident in the coming inflationary crisis will be a global monetary disaster, with the dollar plunging in international currency markets.

Mr. Maybury recommends an assertive strategy to take advantage of the opportunities the inflationary trouble generates.

He is currently buying gold, silver, platinum, specific silver mining stocks and a specific solar energy company that he pegs the risk at 2.0 or less – and the three-year profit potential of 1,500%. (Subscribe if you want more specifics.)

And I love the way Mr. Maybury closes his special alert, “You are on my mind constantly, and I am doing all I can to help you stay safe and prosperous.”

See also:
Inflation, Intervention & Velocity of Money

AntiChrist #3 to Head US Navy

I admit this is funny in a “No way, it can’t really be happening” kind of way. I woke up to this headline:


Now, any of you Nostradamus scholars out there understand the import of the headline. Nostradamus predicted three AntiChrists, their names encoded within anagrams or other obfuscations.

The following info is from Nostradamus scholar John Hogue’s fascinating web site. (John Hogue is one of the world’s foremast Nostradamus experts and has appeared in this capacity on History Channel documentaries.)

AntiChrist No. 1: “PAU, NAY, LORON”
napoleon_100x172Nostradamus code-named him “PAU, NAY, LORON.” All in uppercase. An obvious decoding would give us three towns in southwestern France: Pau, Nay and (O)loron. The rest of the prophecy strays the subject away from three villages to describe a human being. The upper-case presentation is a literary nudge in our sides to envisage a person’s name hidden in the letters spelling three towns.


“Roy” is French for “King”. His name encoded is “Napoleon King”


An Emperor will be born near Italy, He will cost his Empire very dearly: He is less a prince than a butcher. – Nostradamus (1555)

AntiChrist No. 2: “Hister”
hitler_100x135Nostradamus code-named the second Antichrist “Hiƒter” — or “Hister” with a Gothic “s” — after the ancient name of the River Danube, which is the Ister. Nostradamus spells it with its most arcane variant Hister as some specific hint. Again, there’s a pattern to follow here. This “Danube” finds itself a thing representing a person mentioned as Hister in five prophecies containing similar story lines.

He becomes the “Captain of Greater Germany” born in Noricum (the ancient name for Austria). He will have a “crooked cross” as his symbol: the Swastika. The people of “Irale” (an anagram for Israel) would be sent as captives into a great furnace by this “Hister.”

It seems Nostradamus saw the boy who grew up on the banks of the Hister (Danube) River in Linz, Austria, dreaming of concentration camps for the Jews, Nostradamus’ kin, to be sent up in ash clouds.


AntiChrist No. 3: “Mabus”
Nostradamus gave the Third Antichrist the following code name. He’s Mabus. A number of notorious contemporary figures, still living or recently dead from the Middle East can see their names spelled in the Mabus code. But there also are other leaders from the West, deeply entangled in Middle Eastern turmoil, a current US president and a charismatic candidate who could be his successor whose names also easily decode out of Mabus, making the search for the right candidate the most provocative and topical challenge presented by Nostradamus for our present times.

3rd-antichrist_100x149Though his true name is occulted, the Third Antichrist’s destiny is made clear. Unlike the first two, he is the first to die in a war he initiates at the sign of a comet, or a rocket falling out of the skies:

World War III begins when Mabus dies a sudden death.

His act of terror unites a hundred nations in a war against what Nostradamus calls three Eastern kings secretly allied in opposition to the West. They would use piracy (hijacking?), ambush and subterfuge to wage war.

Know the war has begun when hollow mountains of a great New City (yet to be built in Nostradamus’ day) at latitude 45 in an unborn country he called Americh or Amorica, will be attacked by a fire in the sky. The hollow mountains crafted by man will be seized and plunged into the boiling cauldron of their own debris clouds.

After this happens, we will be living in the days of the last Antichrist. [more]

How ironic (and, admittedly, meaningless) that our Secretary of Defense may soon have a direct-report named Mabus who will be in the line of succession for the President of the United States.

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

forrestalA previous Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal, was likely murdered when he threatened to go public over the Roswell Incident against the wishes of his compatriots in Majestic 12 in May 1949. FYI the alleged alien captives sequestered in Area 51 are under the jurisdiction of ONI, Office of Naval Intelligence.

Wall St Journal Talks (hyper)Inflation

A reporter interviews John Williams about his views on the liklihood of inflation for the rest of this year (2009).


Here’s what’s interesting about this video:

1) John Williams is the respected economist who runs ShadowStats.com, a site that unravels manipulated gov’t statistics, like the CPI (Consumer Price Index). I’ve cited his work many times on this site.

2) The Wall Street Journal, one of the most widely-read and respected sources for business info, is now openly discussing both hyperinflation, the collapse of the US dollar AND its replacement, the Amero [WSJ Talks Amero]. Only one year ago this was considered wacko conspiracy talk. Now it’s going mainstream.

3) John Williams is expecting double-digit inflation THIS YEAR (2009).

4) John Williams says hyperinflation is possible this year and probable within 3 to 4 years.

5) He says once the largest-denomination US currency, the $100 bill, is devalued on par with toilet paper you must consider barter to provide for your everyday needs.

6) He suggests Scotch or other liquor as viable barter.


Dollar Death in May?

Quick snippet of brain food and a prediction from George Ure over at Urban Survival:

The Plan: We Buy Our Own Debt?
Ben BernankeBen Bernanke’s recent comments that the Fed will Deploy all tools‘ to push along the economic revival plan may, or may not, be read as a ‘good’ thing.  Legendary commodities trader Jim Rogers tells Bloomberg that among the ‘all the tools’ might be the Fed buying Treasury securities which, he figures, will delay the inevitable.

Snake Eats Its Own Tail, Or…
All of which might work for a while, just like the shoemaker buying the all the bread the baker can bake, while the baker buys all the shoemaker’s shoes.  The problems arise when, at the end of such a circular reference, the shoemaker or baker wants to sell product to a third party having bid up prices amongst one another.

It’s then that the truth slips out, that the circularly referenced deal was a sham, and prices of shoes and bread collapse in a heap.  Or, if we go down that slippery slow of buying our own debt from ourselves, how that will be viewed by the only folks that are keeping the world together right now: China.

Beware May 2009
dollar-drowns70x112The moment the Chinese wake up and proclaim:  We want something of real value, not just more paper, then the U.S.A. has a serious problem on its hands. 

That’s when our currency collapses, China becomes the world economic superpower and we drop to nth place as a third world country.  But not to worry; the linguistics on this indicate it won’t get underway until [mid] May of this year and the workout will run from late summer out through 2010 and beyond.

George is not the only one predicting a dollar collapse in May. Consider the Think Tank’s 2009 Predictions.

5 Banks Are “Dead Men Walking”

From Our “Floating in the Fish Tank” Dept.
Looks like another prediction is coming true. Back in 2007 I warned my friends/family/co-workers of the 25 banks most likely to fail. I closed all my accounts at Wells Fargo. When I launched Meltdown2011.com in Feb 2008 I published the same warning on this site. 


See who they name? Citibank, Bank of America, HSBC, Wells Fargo (which bought already-failed Wachovia last year).

These are the banks I named back in Sept 2007 and reminded you of shortly after starting this site in Feb 2008 when I asked you Is Your Bank a Casino? 


Six-for-six–now be honest, don’t you like getting your headlines a year+ early? I thought so!

Oh, BTW, notice #17 and #23 on the list. Yep, they’re floatin’ in the fish tank, too.

Wonder what’ll happen to the other 17 banks on the list within another, oh, 18 months, maybe… I don’t really have to spell it out, do I?


FDIC Gears Up for Bank Failures
…They Will Kill Us All
Is Your Bank a Casino?

My “Tent City” Prediction Comes True

Over a year ago, on Feb 10, 2008 I predicted we’d see a number of headlines by the time the meltdown completed in 2011. [My Predictions from Feb 2008]

Here’s another one that’s coming true. I forecasted:
Tent cities” cropped up around the country.
They are filled with formerly middle-class displaced citizens.
Parents tell their kids it’s just a long camping vacation.

Check out what NBC News is featuring today on their front page.


California is suffering thorough a drought so severe the “guvnah” has declared a drought emergency. The Golden State’s unemployment fund is nearly broke. The state itself is on the verge of insolvency and cannot afford to pay residents their 2009 state income tax refunds.

The January median sales price for Southern California homes fell to $250,000, a 40% drop from the same month a year prior, the San Diego real estate research firm MDA DataQuick reported Thursday. The price decline was accelerated by foreclosures, which accounted for 60% of sales last month.

tent-city-sacto-2009-03-05“This tent city in Sacramento, Calif., continues to grow as the worsening economy forces more people out of their homes.”

tent-city-sacto-2009-03-05a“Karen Hersch, an unemployed truck driver, cleans up at a homeless encampment in Sacramento, Calif.”

tent-city-sacto-2009-03-05b“Tammy Day, who recently lost her home, cuts potatoes as she prepares a meal at a tent city in Sacramento.”

tent-city-sacto-2009-03-05c“Tammy Day, seen with her husband Keith, cook over a campfire at a tent city in Sacramento.”

tent-city-sacto-2009-03-05d“Val Jon Farris, center, of charity iCare-America, hands out free supplies to residents at the tent city.”

Please save yourself by possessing physical gold, physical silver.