WSJ Talks Amero

I just ran across this article in the Wall Street Journal’s online site, MarketWatch. The establishment mainstream is openly discussing the New World Order and the Amero’s place in it.

When I first heard about the Amero in 2005 I thought it was conspiracy BS. Methinks times and circumstances have proven me wrong. Exceprts:

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — Thomas Jefferson once said: “When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.” As the global financial system pushes on a string, investors are desperately trying to hold tight.

The New World Order is upon us, full of hope, promise and a fair amount of fear. In our recent discussion regarding the direction of our country, we noted the risks of catering to conventional wisdom and the implications for the U.S. dollar.

The Minyanville mantra is to provide financial news you need to know before you know you need it. That’s a fine line to walk, as foresight often flies in the face of mainstream acceptance.

In 2006, it seemed counterintuitive to forecast a “prolonged socioeconomic malaise entirely more depressing than a recession.”

For years, the notion of an “invisible hand” was conspiracy theory until we learned that the Working Group on Financial Markets was a central policy tool.

And now, as we gaze across our historically significant horizon, we must open our minds to thoughts and ideas that may seem foreign to folks conditioned by the past and stunned by the present.

Years ago, the Federal Reserve wrote a “solution paper” regarding the need to combat zero-bound interest rates. The concern was the flight of capital from the U.S. and an option discussed was a two-tiered currency, one for U.S citizens and one for foreigners.

Canadian economist Herbert Grubel first introduced a potential manifestation of this concept in 1999. The North American Currency — called the “Amero” in select circles — would effectively comingle the Canadian dollar, U.S. dollar and Mexican peso.

On its face, while difficult to imagine, it makes intuitive sense. The ability to combine Canadian natural resources, American ingenuity and cheap Mexican labor would allow North America to compete better on a global stage.

Experience has taught us, however, that perceived solutions introduced by policy makers and politicians don’t always have the desired effect. [more]

6 Responses

  1. Those well-meaning Americans that oppose the concept of an international currency my have forgotten that the original colonies had their own state-currencies before they were united by the US Dollar.

  2. […] WSJ Talks Amero I just ran across this article in the Wall Street Journal’s online site, MarketWatch. The establishment mainstream is openly discussing the New World Order and the Amero’s place in it. When I first heard about the Amero in 2005 I thought it was conspiracy BS. Methinks times and circumstances have proven me wrong. […]

  3. Main stream rationalist that know the real Federal Reserve are having to closely examine what has been branded conspiracy theory. It isn’t pleasant, it seems foreign and surreal, but it appears Theater of the Absurd and Dan Brown have merged forces.

    The list of heavy weight economists supporting alternative explanations and the growing awareness of lies and misinformation from our political representatives provides corollary support and a new willingness to listen to alternative explanations as to what’s happening in our economic/political new reality. Independent, critical thinking has never been more valuable.

    Like a Dan Brown novel, be prepared for shock, awe and disbelief. Start with understanding the Federal Reserve. It is central and key to a new reality awareness.

  4. I heard that when the dollar is replaced by the Amero it will be done basically overnite and we will only get about 50¢ on the dollar for out American money. Is this true?

    • No. It’s not. There are a lot of people on the internet who have nothing better to do than try to panic people and worry about ludicrous things like that. No one in America has anything to gain from tying our currency to Mexico. The first senator or congressman who tried to put forward an idea like that would be hung from the nearest tree, and they know it. If it were going to happen, it would have to involve the disoolution of congress, martial law, the suspension of the constitution, etc. Under those conditions, you and I will have much larger problems than losing 50% of our savings.
      Support freedom and fight government encroachment. But do it rationally. Don’t waste your time worrying about internet hoaxes like this. It’s mostly disinformation put out by the intelligence agencies to nab people like the author, don’t you know?

  5. […] Wall Street Journal Openly Talks About the Amero The mainstream establishment sounds likes it’s running the New World Order and Amero concepts up the flagpole to guage the public’s reaction. WSJ Talks Amero. […]

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